Saturday, June 20, 2020

Sleep Tips for New & Expectant Parents

Most parents are unaware of the reality of how much your sleep changes after having a baby. Taking newborn care necessitates its toll on parents.
"Relax when the baby sleeps," some experts say. While this is good advice, it doesn't address some difficulties ... what if the baby isn't sleeping probably? What if mom is breastfeeding and has little help? Last but not least, what if you simply find that you can't relax when the baby sleeps?

1. Talk to other parents about newborn sleep patterns and 

ask about their experiences.

Most new mothers do not know what a normal infant sleep pattern looks like. Allow yourself to learn from others who've been into it. Learning what served for other mothers may help you figure out what will work for you and your kid.

2. But don't make comparisons!

Don't allow yourself to become confused by comparing yourself to other new mothers or getting picked up on advice that is not helpful.

3. Know that newborn sleep patterns vary greatly.

It's not surprising for a newborn to sleep anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours at a time! Plus, the total number of newborns baby sleep can vary considerably from day to day. In the first few days, your newborn may sleep as much as 15-17 hours, and by 3 weeks closer to 12 hours. Some babies sleep as little as 10 out of 24 hours.

4. Newborns sleep in 'active sleep', which is a lighter sleep 


Most newborns are very boisterous sleepers! As your little one snoozes, you'll notice flapping eyelids, rapid irregular breathing, occasional body movements, brief screams, other noises. Not to worry, this is all normal and does not mean a problem with the baby. It's also not important for you to try and keep a completely quiet household while baby sleep. Getting the baby used to some background noise now can help her grow into a more solid, comfortable sleeper. So try to make a habit of playing light music on the radio, talking with others or playing with a healthy baby, or even moving the vacuum while your newborn sleeps.

5. Understand that newborns don't have the same circadian 

rhythm that we do.

Structuring your toddler sleeping, play and feeding cycles can help improve the physical development of infants, though it can take a minimum of at least 13 weeks before a regular sleep and wake pattern is developed and formed.

6. Rest when the baby sleeps!

You may not always be able to take rest when the toddler sleeps - although it's great when you can! But even if you don't relax, sleep can help your mind reset. So in the first weeks, allow yourself to let the good meals and cooking wait if possible. Better yet, find family members who can take over those duties for you until your newborn falls into a more expected schedule.

7. Remember that for a newborn, crying = communication.

Your baby's crying is NOT a hint that you're just doing something incorrectly, so try not to let it bother you. Notice if you are taking the baby's cry personally. Talk with your physician or therapist about this reaction to help sort it out. Assuming this way can be a sign that you may be struggling with stress and/or inflation.

8. Breastfeeding can add an extra challenge.

If you are breastfeeding at night or getting up to elevate, it can be quite a difficulty. Know that you will need help. If you feel you can't go on with this routine, allow yourself to know Paced breastfeeding is a good choice. If you want to put up with it, that is great. If you can add some paced bottle feeding to the mix to give yourself an unusual break, or even stop breastfeeding completely, know this is fine, too.
NewBorn Care Product
NewBornBioLive is dedicated to infant/toddler nutrition and offers various organic products, but we realize they may not be appealing to the baby right away. Here's a hint, if your toddler doesn't like it, you have to try, try, and try again. Many mothers don't know there's still hope if the baby doesn't sleep in right away, and they need some tips to get there.
If you want more information or tips and tricks, check out the NewBornBioLive website where you can access various organic newborn care or mom care products.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Best Natural Foods Meal Plans for New Born Babies

You want the best for your newborn, and that starts with feeding them natural meals that will nourish them and help them grow. Below, we’re breaking down the best foods and snacks, like the fruit and veggie purees  for your little one at every age.
1-6 Months Old
For your newborn’s first six months in the world, they can get all the nutrients they need from breast milk or infant formula. Around the 4- 6-month toddler age range, your baby will likely start showing interest in what you’re eating, which means they’re ready to ease into solids. Talk to your pediatricians about starting with infant grain or rice cereal or single-ingredient fruits and veggies, like Naturals apples, carrots, or green beans. Made with 100% real fruits and free from artificial elements, these are convenient foods you can feel good about serving.
6-8 Months Old
Once your baby is easy with single-food solids, it’s time to move on to mixed feeds. Pureed combos such as pumpkin mixed with banana, strawberry with beets, and Naturals spinach, zucchini, and peas. it is good for your healthy baby and will allow your baby to explore exciting flavors and thicker textures.
8-10 Months Old
After your baby becomes a pro at eating purees, try chewing up their favorite fruits and herbs with a fork to help them learn how to chew and swallow chunkier pieces (potatoes, apple, peas, and bananas are all great options for this). During this infant age range, you can also begin to experiment with healthy or simple foods, such as cut-up hard-boiled eggs, small pieces of whole-grain, and a pieces of bread.
10-12 Months Old
Once your baby approaches their 1st year, begin to introduce them to superfoods like flax seeds, quinoa, and fish such as salmon to promote a good diet. Now is also a good time to start cutting up your healthy meals into small pieces for them to try.
1-2 Years Old
After their first birthday, your toddler will need everywhere from 1,000 to 1,400 calories a day. Similar to an adult’s food, they should consume a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and cow’s milk or goat milk powder for the physical development of infants. And as they continue to grow, Toddlers need up to three snacks a day. Introduce healthy snacking habits in your baby with Oat Bars or Fruit & Veggie.
Always check with your doctor before adding new foods to your baby’s diet.

Feeding tips

  • Let your baby choose how much he wants to eat. Never force your newborn to feed more than he wants.
  • Mealtimes will be dirty. Have fun! Don’t expect a lot. Most of your baby’s nourishment will still come from formula or breast milk. Be calm. Give him time to practice eating with a spoon.
  • If he doesn’t like a meal, try again later. Some toddlers have to taste food 20 times before they choose to like it.
  • Feed your newborn in a high-chair using towels for comfort. Infants can choke quickly and should be observed closely while eating.
  • Avoid your child to paced bottle feeding on the bed. It may lead to tooth decay. Wipe teeth down with a tissue or infant toothbrush and water or infant toothpaste twice a day.

How do I keep baby foods safe?

  • Always be sure to wash your hands before making your baby’s meal.
  • Take the amount of food that you want to feed your baby into a small dish.  Feed your newborn from this food. Throw any meal not eaten at this feeding away.
  • Refrigerate the remaining food in the container for up to 2 days. Dipping the spoon back in the jar after it has been in your baby mouth will cause bacteria to grow and make the food unhealthy.
  • Check dates on toddler food. If the date has passed, throw it out.
  • Don’t heat baby foods in the microwave. The heat is uneven and can have “hotspots” that can burn your baby’s mouth.

Can I make my own baby food?

Homemade baby meals are easy to make, can save you money, and improve the variety of meals for your baby checkout NewBornBioLive. Babies will learn to enjoy the real flavors of the fruit itself if you don't add salt or sugar. 

Monday, June 8, 2020

Tips for getting your baby to eat vegetables & protein

So, your newborn is showing all the signs that he or she is ready for the next level of feeding… beyond breast milk and formula. And of course, you want to support their exploration with meals and make sure your healthy baby tries a variety of vegetables and doesn't become picky eaters.
We are very lucky to have some good ones… eaters that are. I know that part of it is a bit of luck, but part of it is helping them explore new cuisines and flavors and also keeping them learning. You want your kiddos to like “the green vegetable.” Our girls will ask for vegetable salads some days. And some days, they say “no thank you” and that’s fine because I know the next day, they will want it again.

Just like us, they need change, but they can also be picky. It’s easy to give up when they don’t like something, but it’s just as important not to. Newborns need a variety of nutrients in their 1st year, but there are six key nutrients you should make sure your toddler is fed: protein, omega 3s, calcium, iron, fiber and vitamins A, C, D, E and K, so you have to keep working on it.
So, what did we do to get our little infant to have a wide variety of accepted foods?
Start with the vegetables.
We started with the mild tastes, whether homemade or store-bought sweet potato. I think sweet potatoes were all of my toddler's first foods and It is very healthy food for 9 month old Newborn. These didn’t scream “vegetable” in their mouths, but also weren’t as sugary as some of the fruits. We then worked up to stronger flavors like spinach, broccoli and green beans.
Lead by example.
Let them see you trying herbs and proteins. Eat balanced meals in front of your newborn so they see that you enjoy them, too. Show them to those amazingly colored foods regularly. And, when they try to take them off your plate, let them.
Try. And then try again.
They might not like something the 1st time. Or the 3rd time. 10-15 is the magical number of tries before your little one may accept a new menu. Sometimes toddlers need to warm up to new essences. Honestly, there are still foods that I don’t care for that I try every so often to see if I’ve got a taste for them. I used to hate bell peppers, mushrooms, and avocado. Now I can’t get enough. Pro tip: To avoid food waste, pour a small quantity into a bowl for tasting, and freeze the surplus in ice-cube trays for next use.
Let them feed themselves.
Yes, it’s dirty. And time-consuming. But, for some reason, when those little humans have control over what they are eating and putting in their mouths, they might surprise you. It increases the physical development of infants
Explore less traditional options.
Sometimes chicken won’t do for protein, so you can also try a 4 months baby food chart which includes pulses, quinoa, eggs, yogurt, butter, or seafood. There are a lot of options, so don’t be afraid to try new things.
Roast it.
I remember my mom used to boil sprouts. Yuck! But now, I love them. It’s because I bake them and it brings out the essence and even some sweetness. It’s a total game-changer. When I roast them, my baby will eat asparagus, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. Try it a different way and you might be amazed.
Beech-Nut for Infant Nutrition
NewBornBioLive is dedicated to infant/toddler nutrition and offers various organic products, but we realize they may not be appealing to the baby right away. Here’s a hint, if your toddler doesn’t like it, you have to try, try, and try again. Many mothers don’t know there’s still hope if the baby doesn’t like vegetables right away, and they need some tips to get there.
If you want more information or tips and tricks, check out the NewBornBioLive website where you can access various organic newborn care or mom care products.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

10 Bathing Safety Tips For Babies

Bathing your newborn baby can be fun and at the same time, needs your care. For New Mothers, it’s going to be a whole new experience, but it’s crucial that before you start the process of giving a bath to your Newborn Baby, you must follow the below safety tips for bathing your child. Here are some tips on baby bath products, which can help you in giving a safe and comfortable Bath to your Child. 

 1 # Buy Non-Slipper Tub For Newborn Babies :

Before you buy a bathtub for your newborn or toddler, it’s important to keep a few points in mind, always purchase a tub as per your child's age and size. Never buy a large size tub, as for mother it would not be easy to manage him. Chances of toddler slipping from hand increase in this case. Also, do a little bit of research on the material that the tub is made of. Always, try to buy a non-slipper tub for your toddler safety

2 # Choose Soap which Suits your Baby Skin:

Every baby has a different skin type, be it sensitive, dry, or oily skin. Therefore, it’s the mothers’ responsibility to buy liquid or soap bars as per your child's skin and age. As per experts, mothers should use light liquid soap for newborns under the age of 11 months and after that, you can switch it over to a soap bar. Please don’t buy Extra Foam Soaps, as it a strip away needed oils from newborn skin, that protect and moisturize your baby’s skin.

3 # Keeps the Towel Ready:

Are you one of them who keeps neglecting towels while going into showers and ask your mom for towels? If your answer is yes, then you require to be extra cautious for not repeating the same while giving a bath to your baby especially new-born. It’s very essential to keep the towel handy to avoid any circumstance that may occur due to a slippery floor. You need to cover your baby immediately after giving her shower to prevent her from the cold climate outside the bathroom, also it will help you in keeping her in a better way, as she is all wet and slippery.

4 # Buy Soft Toys as per your Baby Age:

Choose correct Baby Soft Toys, as it’s your baby’s time to have joy with toys in the water. Babies who are fussy to take shower, are more likely to start getting interested in the bath due to lovely bath toys. Choose beautiful bath toys which you and your baby can enjoy.
Some parents make mistake by purchasing big size toys, which are not worthy to hold by babies and they tend to slip away from the newborn. Babies need stuff which they can continue and put in and out of the water also they find playthings more exciting and funny which makes some sound.

5 # Choose Bath Toys without any Sharp Corners:

Avoid sharp toys and something near your baby. It can be very dangerous to your baby's safety. Please don’t purchase cheap toys, as they don’t match any baby safety rules and use extremely bad quality stuff. You must have got lots of toys as a gift from your relations and friends, but it does not mean that you have to use it.

6 # Don’t leave your baby alone for 2 Minute:

Leaving your toddler alone even for a moment can be the most vulnerable mistake you can make in the bathroom. Newborns are in a very different mood while taking a shower and they think everything around them is their toys and they may come in touch with chemicals, things which are dangerous for small toddlers. Also, the probability of slipping out of the tub is raised when newborns are kept unattended in bathtubs

7 # Maintain proper Room Temperature:

Before taking your newborn or toddler to bath, you make sure that the temperature of the place in which you are going to take her back must have a similar temperature as of your shower is going to have when you are done with her bath, to prevent any temperature illness to newborns.

8 # Check the Water Temperature:

Try not to use running water particularly when managing small babies as a sudden increase in temperature can cause serious harm to your baby. Always store water beforehand and check it every time before you put your baby in it or take the first mug small babies have very sensitive skin so we need to be extra careful with them. Don’t use very hot and very cold water based on seasons.

9 # Avoid Giving Baths in Cold:

Don’t think that newborns are a small adult who starts to feel upset by not taking a bath every day. If you think the baby is not 100% fit even in top summers don’t force her to take bath as it may have dangerous outcomes. Don’t worry as newborns don’t develop bad body odor and sweating if they will not take a bath for a few days.
10 # Get all the Baby Things ready Beforehand:
Just like a perfect mother, it would be an excellent idea to keep all your newborn things like baby care products, clothes, diapers, powder, cream, and toys in one place as this will make your life easier and convenient for you. You will be able to make your baby ready for further action quickly after his bath.