Many of us have so many fond memories of being fed cow’s milk when we were kids. This delicious and nutritious drink was often offered by itself, or with cornflakes & oats, or in milkshakes, etc. to kids. Since a baby’s digestive system isn’t much developed as compared to a ten-year old’s, one wonders if it is the ideal drink for an infant. Here we are going to discuss if cow’s milk is suitable for babies or not and when it can be introduced to them.
Let Us Start With What Is Cow's Milk Formula and Its Advantages over Cow's Milk?
Cow milk powder formula is created from the proteins of cow's milk. The protein is altered so that it becomes easier to digest for babies. Until children reach age 1, their body simply cannot handle the high levels of protein, sodium & potassium present in cow's milk, according to the AAP.
Cow milk formula is really much similar to breast milk and is often touted and acclaimed for its good and incredible balance of protein, carbohydrates and fat.
You can buy it either ready-made or in powdered form that requires it to be mixed with water.
Cow milk powder formula is actually one of the best and most commonly used formulas for infants. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) also recommends this type of
iron-fortified formula to all if breastfeeding is not an option available.
Though the majority of babies prosper on this particular type of formula, it is possible that some infants might do much better on a different type of formula. Experts say, if your baby spits up one or two times after taking this formula, never switch by without giving it a thought to an alternative like soy infant formula. Instead of it, talk to your pediatrician. Remember: spitting up does not always mean that your child can't tolerate cow milk formula
When to Provide Cow’s Milk to Kids?
Once your baby is past one year old, you can provide him whole cow's milk or reduced-fat (2 percent) milk, but make sure that he has a balanced diet of solid foods (i.e. cereals, vegetables, fruits, and meats). But you need to limit his intake of milk to 1 quart (about 32–36 oz.) per day. Any more than this can result in too many calories and may decrease his appetite for the other food items. If your baby is still not eating a broad range of solid foods, then you need to talk to your pediatrician about the best nutrition for him.
At this certain age, children need a higher fat content, which is why whole vitamin D milk is recommended for most of the infants after one year of age. If your child is either overweight or at a risk for being overweight, or if there is heredity of obesity, high blood pressure, or heart disease, your pediatrician might recommend 2 percent milk (reduced-fat) instead.
You should not give your baby 1 percent (low-fat) or non-fat (skimmed) milk before his 2nd birthday. Also, nonfat, or skimmed, milk provides a high concentration of protein & minerals and should not be given to infants or toddlers under the age of two years. After two years of age, you need to discuss your child's nutritional needs, including choice of low-fat or non-fat milk products by talking with your pediatrician.
Effects of Cow's Milk Formula
Here are some of the symptoms of Allergy to Cow's Milk:
With the help of latest studies, it is found that about 2 to 3 percent of babies have a cow's milk allergy, which happens when the baby's immune system reacts poorly to the cow milk protein. It can also be developed in breastfed as well as formula-fed toddlers and many children will outgrow the allergy. Symptoms of milk allergy in babies include:
- Frequently spitting up
- Vomiting
- Colic-like symptoms, which involves excessive crying and irritation after feedings
- Diarrhea
- Blood in stool
- Poor weight gain
- Hives
- A scaly skin rash
- Coughing or wheezing
- Watery eyes and stuffy nose
- Trouble breathing and swelling of mouth and throat
- Anaphylaxis: Life-threatening allergic reaction
It's also important to note that milk allergy is really different from milk tolerance or lactose intolerance, which occurs when a breastfed or formula-fed baby is not able to digest the sugar in cow's milk (lactose).
Some Of The Alternatives to Cow Milk Formula
If your baby is not able to tolerate the protein in cow's milk, there are plenty of options.
Acid Reflux Formulas
Lactose-Free Formulas
Hypoallergenic Infant Formulas
Where to Shop?
Shopping for baby formula was never easy and it is never going to be. But, of course, your first step should be talking to your pediatrician about the right options for your infant. You can check and shop from Famous Brands Like Holle, HiPP, Lebenswert etc.
Get all these products of Cow Milk Powder at a wholesale discount through us and make your baby smile always.
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